Insight into the Relationship of Two Married Couples Who Swap Partners Every Night

May 2024 · 4 minute read

The concept of living and raising families together while swapping partners has been revealed by two married couples, shedding light on their life as a “foursome.”


Alysia and Tyler Rogers, already parents to two children aged 7 and 8, entered a romantic relationship with their married friends Sean and Taya Hartless.


Originating from the US, the two couples decided to move in together as a polyamorous foursome in 2020. The following year, Alysia and Taya gave birth to babies just seven months apart.


Neither woman knows who biologically fathered the kids, with Alysia stating that they would help the children discover that in the future if they ever desire to know.


“We wanted to do everything we could to ensure that everybody feels like an equal parent,” Taya reported to



“At this point, finding out their genetics would change nothing.”


The family of eight now resides in Lebanon and has garnered a substantial social media following with their “big family.”


“We didn’t intend to fall in love… but here we are,” the quad, who share a joint Instagram handle, conveyed on Instagram.


“When we met, we were simply seeking something physical and uncomplicated, but upon meeting each other, we found ourselves falling in love.”


In one video, the men elucidated that they rotate beds every other night and do not have a relationship with each other, only with the women.



In another video, the foursome disclosed their atypical sleeping arrangements.


Consequently, the group identifies as a “closed polyfidelitous quad,” signifying they “don’t typically date outside of the four,” characterizing their dynamic as “quite literally a square.”


“We have two master bedrooms on the opposite ends of the house,” they expounded.


“And the guys switch between rooms every night.”


The open couples are not exempt from regular emotions within their relationship and have been forthright about their collective hardships.


“In the beginning, before we established trust, we encountered a few issues with jealousy during challenging times,” one Instagram post described.



“But now it’s all hands on deck to support that person.


“There’s four different people with four different strengths when it comes to meeting needs.


“That really comes in handy.”


The foursome acknowledge they receive disparaging comments on social media regarding their unconventional relationship.


The quartet has been accused of being “bad parents” by some, although Tyler and Alysia’s two children have been very accepting of the shift in their family dynamics.


“Our kids already knew we were dating Sean and Taya,” Alysia conveyed to


“We told them: ‘You know Mum has a boyfriend and Dad has a girlfriend and we’re going to move in together. And we’re all going to be a big family and they’re going to help parent you. So we’re going to need you to treat them like you treat us — like parents.’”


The foursome previously divulged that they encountered resistance from some close friends and family, yet the majority of their inner circle supported their decision.


“Many people don’t truly understand polyamory and perceive it as deviant or unwholesome in some capacity. While it is true that it wasn’t always easy—admitting I had feelings for someone else took me some time—and we do experience jealousy on occasion,” Taya mentioned.


“Yet now it feels so natural to all of us and I feel incredibly fortunate to have multiple partners to raise children with,” she stated. “Why wouldn’t you want more love and support and more helping hands? It’s a chaotic, messy, crazy, wonderful life and I cannot think of anything else we could ever desire.”


Taya mentioned that navigating an unconventional relationship can be a challenging but rewarding process.


“I don’t think we’ll ever stop learning and we know our relationship will be constantly changing. But we will roll with the punches and make it work,” Taya said.


“We are different from everyone else, but that’s OK—and we have made it clear to our children that they can be whoever they want to be.”

