A Comprehensive Guide To His Life And Career

April 2024 ยท 10 minute read

Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age is a comprehensive term that refers to the readily accessible online information about Canadian actor Colin Ferguson. It encompasses biographical data, professional history, personal life details, and relevant trivia.

Such information is highly sought after by fans, researchers, and casual readers seeking insights into the life and career of a notable figure. It provides a convenient and up-to-date snapshot of the individual, offering valuable knowledge and entertainment.

The advent of the internet and the rise of social media have revolutionized the accessibility of such information, making it easier than ever to stay informed about one's favorite celebrities.

Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age

Understanding the essential aspects of Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age provides a comprehensive overview of the information available online about the Canadian actor.

These aspects provide insights into Colin Ferguson's professional life, personal life, and online presence, painting a well-rounded picture of the actor and his career.

Birth Name

Birth Name: Colin Ferguson is a pivotal component of Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age. It serves as the foundation upon which all other biographical information is built. Without knowing an individual's birth name, it would be impossible to accurately identify and distinguish them from others with similar or identical names.

In the context of "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age", the birth name establishes the actor's true identity and provides a consistent reference point throughout his career. It is used in official records, contracts, and public appearances, ensuring that there is no confusion about who is being discussed or referenced.

For example, the birth name "Colin Ferguson" differentiates the actor from other notable individuals with the same stage name, such as the American actor Colin Ferguson who is known for his role in the TV series "Eureka". By using his birth name in his "Bio Wiki Age" information, there is no ambiguity about which Colin Ferguson is being referred to.

Understanding the connection between "Birth Name: Colin Ferguson" and "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age" is essential for accurately identifying and researching the actor. It provides a solid foundation for further exploration of his life and career, allowing for a comprehensive and informative "informatical article".


Birthdate: July 22, 1972 is a crucial component of Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age as it establishes the actor's age, which is a fundamental aspect of any biographical information. Age plays a significant role in an individual's life and career, influencing their experiences, opportunities, and achievements.

For instance, knowing that Colin Ferguson was born on July 22, 1972, provides context for his career trajectory. It allows us to understand that he began his acting career at a relatively young age, landing his first major role in the TV series "The Adventures of Sinbad" at the age of 23. This information also helps us appreciate the longevity of his career, as he has remained active in the industry for over two decades.

Furthermore, Birthdate: July 22, 1972 has practical applications in various contexts. For example, it is essential for calculating Ferguson's eligibility for certain awards and accolades, such as the Academy Awards, which have age-based criteria for nominees.

In conclusion, understanding the connection between Birthdate: July 22, 1972 and Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age is essential for accurately portraying the actor's life and career. It provides a foundation for exploring his experiences, achievements, and contributions to the entertainment industry.


Birthplace: Montral, Canada is a pivotal component of Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age as it establishes the actor's nationality, cultural background, and formative experiences. Birthplace plays a significant role in shaping an individual's identity, values, and worldview, all of which can influence their career and life trajectory.

For instance, being born and raised in Montral, Canada, has likely influenced Colin Ferguson's fluency in both English and French, a valuable asset in his acting career. Additionally, Montral's vibrant arts and culture scene may have fostered his passion for from a young age.

Furthermore, Birthplace: Montral, Canada has practical applications in various contexts. For example, it is essential for determining Ferguson's eligibility for certain awards and accolades, such as the Canadian Screen Awards, which recognize achievements in Canadian film and television.

In conclusion, understanding the connection between Birthplace: Montral, Canada and Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age provides valuable insights into the actor's background, experiences, and career. It highlights the importance of birthplace as a factor in an individual's life and showcases the practical applications of this understanding.


Occupation: Actor is a critical component of Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age as it defines his profession and serves as the foundation for his career and public persona. The connection between these two elements is multifaceted and has a profound impact on Ferguson's life and work.

Occupation: Actor has significantly shaped Ferguson's Bio Wiki Age. It has influenced his lifestyle, daily routine, and social circles. As an actor, Ferguson must dedicate a substantial amount of time to rehearsals, filming, and public appearances. This demanding schedule has shaped his personal life and the way he manages his time.

Furthermore, Occupation: Actor has played a pivotal role in Ferguson's Wiki Age. His acting credits, awards, and nominations are a testament to his success and recognition in the entertainment industry. These achievements have shaped his public image and contributed to his overall "informatical article".

In conclusion, the connection between Occupation: Actor and Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age is undeniable. Ferguson's profession has profoundly influenced his life and career, shaping his experiences, achievements, and public persona. Understanding this connection is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the actor and his contributions to the entertainment industry.

Years Active

Understanding "Years Active: 1995-present" within the context of "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age" is crucial for grasping the actor's career trajectory, longevity in the industry, and ongoing contributions to the entertainment world.

In conclusion, the "Years Active: 1995-present" component of "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age" provides valuable insights into Ferguson's career longevity, versatility, and ongoing success. It highlights his commitment to the entertainment industry and his ability to remain relevant and engaging.

Known for

Within the context of "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age," Known for: Eureka, Haven, Cedar Cove is a crucial element that shapes the perception and recognition of the actor's career trajectory and significant contributions to the entertainment industry.

Eureka, Haven, and Cedar Cove are three notable television series in which Ferguson has played leading roles. These roles have significantly impacted his "Bio Wiki Age" by showcasing his versatility, range, and ability to connect with audiences.

Ferguson's portrayal of Jack Carter in Eureka, Nathan Wuornos in Haven, and Paul Watson in Cedar Cove has earned him critical acclaim and a loyal fan base. These iconic roles have become synonymous with his acting style and have cemented his status as a talented and charismatic performer.

Understanding the connection between "Known for: Eureka, Haven, Cedar Cove" and "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age" provides valuable insights into the actor's career highlights, industry recognition, and lasting legacy. It demonstrates the profound impact that notable roles can have on an actor's professional journey and public perception.


The "Awards: Leo Award for Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series (2011)" holds a significant position within the context of "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age." This prestigious recognition has profoundly shaped Ferguson's career trajectory and solidified his reputation as a talented and respected actor.

Ferguson's exceptional performance in the television series "Eureka" earned him this coveted award, a testament to his dedication to his craft and his ability to captivate audiences. The award serves as a critical component of his "Bio Wiki Age," showcasing his achievements and the critical acclaim he has received throughout his career.

Moreover, this award has practical implications for Ferguson's career. The recognition and credibility it brings have opened doors to new opportunities and collaborations, further elevating his status in the entertainment industry. It has also solidified his position as a role model and inspiration for aspiring actors.

In conclusion, the "Awards: Leo Award for Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series (2011)" is an integral part of "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age." It represents Ferguson's hard work, talent, and dedication to his craft. The award has not only brought him recognition and accolades but has also significantly contributed to his career growth and legacy in the entertainment industry.

Personal Life

Within the context of "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age," the aspect of personal life, particularly Ferguson's marriage to L. Dean O'Bryant since 2007, plays a significant role in shaping his "Bio Wiki Age" and providing a more well-rounded view of the actor's life and experiences.

In conclusion, the aspect of "Personal Life: Married to L. Dean O'Bryant since 2007" adds a personal dimension to "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age," offering glimpses into Ferguson's life beyond his professional achievements. It highlights the importance of personal relationships in shaping an individual's life and well-being, complementing the more public aspects of his career and recognition.

Social Media

The aspect of "Social Media: Active on Twitter and Instagram" has become an integral component of "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age." Ferguson's presence on these platforms provides valuable insights into his life beyond the screen, allowing fans and followers to connect with him on a more personal level.

Ferguson's social media activity offers a glimpse into his daily life, thoughts, and interests. Through his posts and interactions, he shares behind-the-scenes moments from his work, promotes his projects, and engages with fans. This direct connection with his audience has strengthened his bond with them, fostering a sense of community.

Moreover, Ferguson's social media presence has practical applications. It serves as a platform for him to share updates on his career, announce new projects, and interact with industry professionals. By leveraging these platforms, Ferguson has expanded his reach, increased his visibility, and enhanced his professional network.

In conclusion, the connection between "Social Media: Active on Twitter and Instagram" and "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age" is significant. Ferguson's social media activity provides a unique window into his personal life, strengthens his connection with fans, and offers practical benefits for his career. Understanding this relationship enhances the overall "informatical article" by presenting a more well-rounded view of Colin Ferguson as both an actor and an individual.

Throughout this exploration of "Colin Ferguson Bio Wiki Age," we have gained valuable insights into the multifaceted life and career of the acclaimed Canadian actor. Ferguson's birth details, occupation, notable roles, awards, personal life, and social media presence collectively paint a vivid picture of an individual who has dedicated himself to his craft while maintaining a balanced personal life.

Key points that emerge from this analysis include Ferguson's longevity and versatility in the entertainment industry, his commitment to delivering captivating performances, and his genuine connection with his fans. These elements are intertwined, contributing to his enduring success and establishing him as a respected figure both on and off the screen. Ferguson's journey serves as an inspiration, demonstrating the power of hard work, dedication, and authenticity in achieving professional and personal fulfillment.

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