Pokmon Go Giratina best moveset and counters raid guide

March 2024 · 2 minute read

Giratina is a hot target in Pokémon Go raids, and whether you’re fighting its Origin Forme or Altered Forme, you’ll want the same counters.

When the creepy Pokémon is in its Origin Forme (the one that looks like a snake), it’s one of the strongest ghost-type DPS in the game. Altered Forme is mainly good for PvP, but is worth having for your Pokédex.

Giratina best counters and weaknesses

Both forms of Giratina are ghost- and dragon-type, meaning that they have a plethora of weaknesses. However, if you use ghost- and dragon-type Pokémon against Giratina, be prepared to dodge and get hit hard. Ice-, dark-, and fairy-type moves will also help get the job done. Here are some of Giratina’s best counters and weaknesses:

If you have Mega Energy to spare, you can use Mega Evolutions like Mega Houndoom and Mega Charizard X as well.

Use weather boosts to beef up your moves. Fog powers up ghost- and dark-type moves, windy weather boosts dragon-type moves, snow boosts ice-type moves, and cloudy weather boosts fairy-type moves.

Giratina best moveset

Once you get your Giratina, the best moveset for it depends on which one you have.

Can Giratina be Shiny?

Lucky players may encounter a Shiny Giratina. If you do see a Shiny, you’ll catch it on the first ball you hit it with, so use a Pinap Berry to score some extra candy.
