NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Caught on Camera Laughing at Concussion Joke The Hollywood Report

April 2024 · 1 minute read

Just a couple weeks before the release of Sony’s upcoming head-trauma movie, Concussion, which features an unflattering portrayal of how the NFL and commissioner Roger Goodell responded to Dr. Bennet Omalu’s discovery of a disease caused by repeated head trauma, Goodell was caught laughing on camera at a joke about concussions.

At Tuesday’s National Football Foundation Dinner, former quarterback Roger Staubach joked that he couldn’t recall Goodell’s name due to suffering so many concussions during his time playing for the league.

“So, I had a chance to sit next to the commissioner of football, Pete Rozelle, tonight also, and … ,” he quipped, before adding, “Oh, excuse me — Roger Goodell. I apologize, I had six concussions in the NFL, so … “

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The joke was met with a mixture of groans and laughter, and Goodell himself was caught on camera laughing at Staubach’s jab.

“I told Roger I was gonna tell that joke, and he approved it!” Staubach noted after catching the audience’s loud reaction.
