Serena Deeb: Recovering alcoholic | WrestleZone Forums

April 2024 ยท 1 minute read
Today I am incredibly proud, as it marks one full year I have gone without drinking alcohol. A year ago I looked myself in the mirror & reevaluated my priorities. I decided to make serious changes. I have always wanted to be a role model & help others around me because I believe that makes the world a better place. I hope this message can inspire & encourage whoever reads it. Oftentimes when people approach change, it can be overwhelming. One week is hard, one year is even harder and 'forever' almost sounds impossible. From my personal account, I think it's helpful to take things one day at a time & to constantly remind yourself of the bigger picture. We all have changes that we want to implement. A new year approaching is the perfect opportunity. Don't limit yourself & the potential that you have to live a better life. Change is never easy BUT with a challenge, you build a stronger character. Self confidence & a strong will are very empowering. Take small steps & don't look back- "Be the change you wish to see in the world." :)
