Movies starring Alice Eve

March 2024 · 2 minute read
Crossing Over Poster Crossing Over

Crossing Over is Wayne Kramer's Crash-inspired look at the world of immigration in Southern California. Like Paul Haggis' Oscar winning film, this one is replete with coincidences and contrivances but, unlike Crash, it also features too many insta...

Men in Black III Poster Men in Black III

The problem with some franchises is that the studios don't know when it's time to quit. The lackluster nature of Men in Black II should have been a hint to Sony that the Men in Black series had run its course. Now, at least ten years beyond the "s...

Raven, The Poster Raven, The

If Sherlock Holmes can be a yesteryear James Bond and Abraham Lincoln can be a vampire slayer, then who's to say that Edgar Allan Poe can't be the world's most literate consulting detective? With a script co-written by Shakespeare (Hannah, that is)...

She's out of My League Poster She's out of My League

There are a variety of ways one can evaluate the effectiveness of standard-order romantic comedies. Mine is to ask three questions: (1) Do I like the characters? (2) Do I sense chemistry between them? (3) Am I rooting for them to be together at t...

Star Trek Into Darkness Poster Star Trek Into Darkness

Spoiler Alert: This review contains spoilers. Not earthshattering plot revelations, but hints that might dampen the virgin's pristine viewing experience. Proceed with caution if this sort of thing concerns you. In moving to the future, J.J. Abra...

Starter for Ten Poster Starter for Ten

Starter for 10 is a mildly enjoyable romantic comedy that stays within the safe bounds of the genre's formula. This is a British film, which may make it feel a little quirky to American viewers. The problem with it, to the extent that there is a pr...

Untogether Poster Untogether

Untogether, the directorial debut of novelist/essayist Emma Forrest, is a slice-of-life look at the lives of two sisters. Although the film boasts some nuggets of truth, there’s a lot of artifice in the narrative. There’s also an imbalance...
