Fellow PGA Tour Pro Once Revealed How Tiger Woods Absence From Golf WasDetrimental For Phil Mick

March 2024 · 3 minute read

Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are two prominent names in the world of golf. They have been rivals for long and Woods has always managed to stay ahead. And it is but obvious when that top golfer is out of the picture, the focus will naturally turn on the rival, that was Mickelson.

During Woods’ extended leave from the PGA tour, the center of attraction was the former PGA Tour member, Phil Mickelson. His fellow players revealed the truth and shared the true experience of what Mickelson had to go through in Woods’ absence. He also explained the word ‘cheating’ used by the LIV Golf member, which made people question his game.

The limelight shifts on Phil Mickelson

During a discussion regarding Mickelson, the longtime professional member of the PGA tour, Brad Faxon, was asked, “Is he scrutinized more because Tiger is not here?” To which he agreed and said that he is the most popular golfer now. After Woods, they will only give all the attention to Mickelson, and here is the evidence. 

Mickelson was playing at the AT&T Pebble Beach National in 2010. He was the world’s third-best player after Tiger Woods and Steve Stricker. As Woods was on a long leave, it diverted the focus of the limelight to Mickelson. And it was not a surprise, because he was one of the finest and leading golfers at that time. But being the center of attention comes with its positives and negatives.

Mickelson’s fellow pro golfer, Scott McCarron, called him a cheater. Because he used a Ping-Eye 2 wedge at the Farmers Trust Open. According to McCarron, the use of the club was not by the rule and it was “cheating.” But if we consider the rules then, the use of any Ping-Eye 2, which was made before April 1, 1990, was acceptable in the tournaments.

Fellow pro golfer sorts things out with Mickelson with an apology

Mickelson and McCarron met after PGA Tour and sorted it out in a 10-minute conversation. He apologized for implying his Ping-Eye 2 was an incident of cheating in the San Diego Open 2010. While talking to reporters ahead of Northern Trust Open, McCarron made an official apology to Mickelson.

The duo also met commissioner Tim Finchem and discussed square or U-grooves, which was later approved after research. 

Watch this story- Despite His Outright Fame and 300M Net Worth Phil Mickelson Once Failed to Succeed in a 202 Million Investment

Do you think Mickelson was under direct hit due to Wood’s absence? Let us know your views in the comment section below.
