Marjorie Taylor Greene criticized for sharing nude pics of Hunter Biden during IRS whistleblower hea

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is defending her decision to share sexually-explicit photos found on the laptop of President Biden's son Hunter during a hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Wednesday.

Warning: Images in the embedded video below contain graphic sexual content:

Rep. Greene shared the graphic sexual images of Hunter Biden with women to suggest he had paid for them to travel to Washington, D.C., presumably for sex, in a potential violation of the law.

Democrats, led by Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin (D), objected to the graphic content being shown at a public hearing by Rep. Greene, saying it was inappropriate.

Today...marked a new low when pornographic images were paraded in this hearing.. I don't care who you are in this country. No one deserves that," said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) of New York.

The committee was hearing testimony from two IRS agents, Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, who were involved in the investigation of Hunter Biden who suggested the president’s son received special treatment and the probe was influenced by politics.

The witnesses also claimed the U.S. attorney appointed by former President Trump to oversee the investigation, David Weiss, said that he could not make final charging decisions and he was denied special counsel status.

After telling her Twitter followers 'You don't want to miss this,' Rep. Greene presented the images while questioning the agents.

I would like to let the committee and everyone watching at home know that parental discretion is advised,' Rep. Greene said before sharing the images.

While the faces of other people in the photographs were blocked with black boxes, what appeared to be Hunter Biden’s face was not censored.

Later, Florida Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D) commented on Rep. Greene's display.

In an effort to ‘own’ Hunter Biden, they are assembling nude photos of him, having some intern have to sit in a room and blow up these photos and put it on poster boards and figure out, ‘Oh, which ones are beyond the pale?’

Rep. Raskin told reporters Rep. Greene was being “deliberately provocative and sensationalistic and voyeuristic,” adding, “I hope to speak to the chairman about this as an assault to the dignity of the committee.”

Rep. Greene appeared to stand by the move on her Twitter feed after the hearing, sharing several accounts and news articles about it.

In one tweet, she wrote:

Yesterday, I showed evidence of real crimes that the DOJ won’t even prosecute. Our government has been weaponized to protect Joe Biden and his family while going after his political opposition. The Biden Crime Family needs to face Justice for their crimes!

Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell condemned Rep. Greene’s move as “political theater,” adding, “We are curious to hear how that instance of pure harassment of a private person’s personal life informed Congress of some real gap in our tax laws.” Lowell also said, “Nothing is beneath Ms. Greene.”

Hunter Biden reached a plea deal with the Department of Justice last month, agreeing to plead guilty to two minor tax crimes and a false statement related to a gun purchase, according to court documents.

A judge will make a final decision on the plea deal next week.

Republicans have asked Weiss to appear before Congress in their investigation of the Hunter Biden probe, which he said he would do once the investigation is officially closed.
